Dear H2SC crew!
I think it’s time to fess up about my year.
Those of you who have heard me speak either online or in person over the last few years may have noticed me cough. Quite a lot. At times embarrassingly so, going red in the face, my eyes streaming. Not a good look. Well I always thought my cough and poor chest was a result of my numerous episodes of cancer, the chemotherapy and immune-bashing treatments I have had. Not so. Well maybe partly so, but the main reason? It turns out that all my life I have had Cystic Fibrosis. Yes, I know! I was shocked but I had suspected it for quite some time. This year I pushed the NHS to test me and bingo. I have a rare mutation which means, thankfully, no pancreatic involvement, but my chest has been a problem for as long as I can remember. I was deteriorating rapidly earlier this year with weird infections that needed powerful drugs and antibiotics- the doctors were going to hospitalise me for 3 weeks. The risk of Covid meant I refused, instead dealing with each illness at home, doing the best I could, like many of you have had to do with cancer.
During lockdown #1 I spent nine weeks in complete isolation away from everyone, including my own family. Meanwhile Andrew bravely held the fort with home schooling the boys on his own while attempting to work, I am very lucky to have such a capable husband.
In September the new drugs Symkevi and Kalydeco were finally approved for my mutation and they have been nothing short of a miracle. I hardly ever cough now and I am so much better I wake up and exclaim I CAN BREATHE!!!
I want the miracle of health to be yours too. Having one terminal disease is bad, but the Lord decided to give me two! Great. Instead of hunting for a cure, this time it was down to the wonders of modern medicine to get me well, although it still meant pushing for the right treatments. Lesson- please be a pushy patient!!
If we all did the same with cancer I am convinced we would already have a cure. I’m sure it is out there already, it is just a matter of getting the right combination. Whilst I was waiting for these new drugs to be approved, the wonderful and brilliant Dr Jason Williams, the best immunologist I know, prescribed me Thymosin alpha 1, which not only shows use for Cystic Fibrosis, is also a fantastic boost for anyone taking cancer immunotherapy drugs.
This article is worth a read:
A Reappraisal of Thymosin Alpha1 in Cancer Therapy (
This old drug and other potential new additions to your regime, including nifuroxazide and some key supplements could transform immunotherapy approaches. Stat3 is an important immune checkpoint and nifuroxazide is a potent inhibitor. Currently immunotherapy only works for a minority of patients. The metabolic checkpoints are a major part of the key to unlock the cure. I am really excited to get my immune module out and I am recording it over the next few days and it should be with you later this week. It has taken me longer than planned as I have made some key discoveries, which will benefit all patients, not just those of you taking PD-1 and CTLA-4 inhibitors.
I will let you know as soon as it’s out.
I love learning, making new discoveries and ‘AHA!’ moments. And I want to pass all this on to you. Some of you have bought the course but have yet to start. Please do it!! Let that be your number one New Year’s Resolution! There is no point me doing all this work and providing it all for you if you don’t actually watch it! There is a lot of information in my course not contained in my book.
The reason for creating it is to help you better understand cancer, how it starts, how it progresses and importantly how to stop it. The more you understand, the better your chance you of conquering it.
Wishing you all a happier, healthier and let’s hope eventually a COVID-free 2021.
Fingers and toes all crossed.
With much love,
Jane xx
Online course:
How To Starve Cancer – Online Course | How To Starve Cancer (
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