Blog: Do your cancer treatments sometimes make you nauseous?
Hello again Crew!
Nausea and vomiting, whether caused by chemotherapy, other medications or even supplements (green tea often makes me green at the gills, especially on an empty stomach) is just plain debilitating and miserable when going through cancer treatment. Dealing with cancer is bad enough. Nausea adds insult to injury but it is far too common a complaint in cancer.
Naturally it was a topic I was going to discuss in the Diet Module of my online course. (Who else covers this?) In order to eat healthily you have to feel like eating in the first place! I didn’t call my book How To Starve Cancer without starving yourself for no reason.
In the course of discussions with patients and relatives over the last few years I had heard anecdotal reports about an anti-nausea drug that had allegedly caused remarkable remissions as well as restoring appetite and a sense of wellbeing. As a result I had already suggested this particular drug to quite a few cancer patients to discuss with their doctors. Also to those with NSCLC with unrelenting coughs as this particular drug helps that too.
So when I started to delve into antiemetics for my course, I looked to see what evidence there was for its anticancer effects. I did not expect to find so many!
The following article is interesting.
The Neurokinin-1 Receptor Antagonist Aprepitant: An Intelligent Bullet against Cancer? (nih.gov)
Print it off and take it to your oncologist! Aprepitant has so many anticancer effects, including blocking the Warburg Effect, i.e. glycolysis, which is a challenge for so many of you. It also has anti-depressive and anti-anxiety effects and let’s face it who doesn’t have anxiety and depression with cancer?
I love the author’s opening line
“Due to the lack of selectivity and the severe side-effects, cytostatics are the drugs of the present but not of the future and consequently new anticancer strategies must be developed.”
Sadly the current status quo is not going to change anytime soon. Not unless we push for it!
Although not pleasant, I am happy to take the knocks on Twitter, e.g. oncologist last week: ‘My patient was fed the starve cancer lie and was refusing chemotherapy’. Hold on I actually think patients should have chemotherapy albeit at times less than they normally dish out. And what starve cancer lie? Seriously? The level of arrogance and ignorance is frightening out there. But at least he knows about starving cancer. It is actually ‘a thing.’ I see this as progress!
Let’s pave a path for those that follow. Off label drugs are almost their kind of language, so you stand a chance of blinkered oncologists actually starting to listen. As for diet and other complementary treatments? Forget it. Let them come round to that in their own time.
Perhaps I need to make those disruptive T shirts I threatened to create before. I am feeling just a little bellicose after those trolls…
So the Diet Module videos are being uploaded at the moment, some are already up, the remainder will be there soon. And if you think you know what I am going to say in this module, I can bet you don’t!
I guarantee there will be some surprises in there about amino acids, better ways to manage insulin and glucose (including a surprise substance you would not associate with insulin resistance) and yet more ways to improve your chances of success.
“You have done a magnificent job in your course… You are providing more relevant information for patients than any other integrative medicine source or platform. You are establishing a way forward that is bringing truly relevant information for people diagnosed with cancer – and their families – and their physicians.”
Will LaValley MD
As Dr Will LaValley said, I am going above and beyond ‘any other integrative medicine source or platform’to provide you with the best most up to date and thorough information on cancer you could find. And all for only $97.
Seriously, what have you got to lose compared to what you are going to gain? Streamline your Metro Map, target the key routes, learn to starve your cancer and bounce back from treatment healthier than ever!
If you haven’t signed up for my course, view the curriculum and decide. This is the link:
How To Starve Cancer – Online Course | How To Starve Cancer (teachable.com)
Thank you again to everyone that has.
With much love,
Jane xx
#H2SC #womanonamission
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